Korea Workation Visa (F1-D)

Korea Workation Visa (F1-D)

Workation visa type (F-1-D) is available from January 1, 2024.

Scope of activity

Workation visa is required for foreigners who can work remotely and want to have a tour for up to 2 years with dependent family member in South Korea. Dependent family member means the spouse and children.

Spouse and childrens don't have to apply for visa with main applicant together.

Workation visa holders cannot be employed by domestic companies while they can get a new job from overseas companies.

Visa issunace

Check requirements for workation visa as below.

  • You must own a business or be employed by the company and must be able to work remotely.
  • You must have the same categorized occupation for over 1 year. *You don't need to be employed by the same company.
  • You must be over 18. Your children don't have to be.
  • You must earn twice the Korean GNI per capita last year. Dependent family members don't have to be.
  • You and your family members must have private health insurance with coverage of over 100,000,000 KRW.

Change of visa status

You can change to the workation visa after entering Korea with shor-term visa including visa waiver. Requirements are the same with visa issuance.

Source: The ministry of Justice

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